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Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure.
-- Earl Wilson


Monday, September 29, 1997


A life free of tension has little meaning. Tension is caused when there’s a difference between what you are, and what you could be. Without tension, there is no possibility. Without tension, there is nothing higher to aim for.

Yes, it’s usually easy to relieve tension -- by taking the easy way out, by abandoning our dreams, by giving up, by quitting, by shirking responsibility. Though such behavior may temporarily get rid of tension, it will eventually return as the excruciating pain of regret.

Once we accept that tension is a part of life, it loses a bit of its grip. We make tension worse by opposing it and fearing it, when actually it is a healthy condition to have a certain amount of tension. Just because you have tension, doesn’t mean it has to get to you.

To live with a purpose, to aim toward a goal, will bring you tension. Your tension means that you know things could be better, and it constantly drives you toward improvement. Appreciate it, live with it, and let it move you forward.

— Ralph Marston

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