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The real secret to success is enthusiasm.
-- Walter Chrysler


Monday, September 22, 1997

Is it really so bad?

Is there anything you need to do, but don’t really want to do? Is there something that could bring success and accomplishment, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it?

Why not? Is it really so bad? Or have you just become so accustomed to avoiding it, that you’ve created a block against it? Habits and attitudes perpetuate themselves. And often we find it necessary to break free.

Chances are, whatever you’re avoiding, you’ve probably done many other things that are just as risky or unpleasant or difficult. It’s not the thing itself that’s stopping you -- it’s you. In fact, some of the actions you take to avoid it, are probably just as uncomfortable as doing it in the first place.

Whatever needs to be done -- do it! Break free of your own limiting attitude. You can handle whatever challenges come your way. Stop holding yourself back, and learn to enjoy the actions that lead to success.

— Ralph Marston

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