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Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.
-- Dave Gardner


Tuesday, August 26, 1997

The opportunity of fear

What do you fear? Whatever you fear, is holding you back, preventing you from completely fulfilling your potential. One of the most powerful things you can do, is to eliminate whatever is holding you back. There is great opportunity in whatever you fear, when you can get past the fear.

Fear is very useful as a way of preparing us to cope with a potentially dangerous situation, whether that danger is physical, financial, or spiritual. Fear heightens our awareness and increases our energy level. Fear is not meant to stop us, but rather to prepare us for challenge.

Courage is not the lack of fear. Even the courageous feel fear. Courage is the ability to move forward through the fear. Courage is fully feeling the fear, and using the power of fear to confront whatever is feared.

Whatever you fear, represents opportunity, when you can feel the fear and do it anyway.

— Ralph Marston

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