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Thoughts mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire are powerful things.
-- Napoleon Hill


Monday, August 18, 1997

Get over it, and get into it

You know you need to do it. You know you really must do it. But you don’t want to. It’s disagreeable for some reason.

Much of the unpleasantness associated with the things we don’t want to do, comes solely from the fact that we don’t want to do them. If we’re able to get past that, then the task may even become enjoyable.

There’s no need to do anything begrudgingly. If you’re going to do something, then let go of your distaste for it. You’ll be more effective, you’ll be happier, you’ll reduce your stress, and you might even have fun.

Remember, you have the power to decide what you like and what you don’t like. Whatever you’re doing, decide to enjoy it. You can’t always do the things you like, yet you can always like the things you do.

— Ralph Marston

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