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Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.
-- Napoleon Hill


Friday, August 15, 1997

It comes back around

If you take pleasure in the misfortune of another, you make yourself trivial and insignificant. When you delight in the misery of others, it brings misery to you. Take pleasure instead in the joy of those around you, and you are lifted up with them.

The way to success is not through putting down others, but rather through helping them up. The things you give, come back to you. The value you create, adds value to your own life.

Who would you rather do business with -- someone who scoffs at you and who sees you as just another sucker, or someone who genuinely cares about you? Who would you rather hire as an employee -- someone who just wants to take, or someone who is anxious to make a positive contribution?

Those who sincerely take pleasure in the joy of others, get all the “lucky breaks” -- the best jobs, the most successful businesses, the finest relationships.

Whatever you do, gets done to you. Be good to yourself, by the way you treat others.

— Ralph Marston

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