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If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.
-- Henry Ford


Wednesday, August 13, 1997


Excellence does not just happen. It comes with a price. To achieve excellence in any pursuit can be tedious and exhausting. It requires courage and commitment.

And excellence demands constant vigilance. Always, there are those anxious to pull you down. It will seem that the competition is way out ahead of you, because they’re taking shortcuts. Those shortcuts will eventually be their downfall.

The path to lasting wealth and abundance, is excellence -- in your work, in your attitude, in your desire to serve, in your thoughts, in your spirit. Nothing less will completely fulfill the enormous potential that you possess.

You owe it to your own possibilities, to pursue excellence. In the challenge of excellence, lies its value. Strive for excellence, and you will become the best you can be.

— Ralph Marston

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