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Man's biggest mistake is to believe that he's working for someone else.
-- Nashua Cavalier


Monday, July 14, 1997

Everything that happens

What if everything that happened, served to move you toward your goals? What if everything, whether you had a hand in it or not, worked in your favor? It can be, if you will make it so.

Whatever happens, pales in significance when compared with the way you react to it. Your reaction determines whether a situation is positive or negative. And you have complete control over your reactions.

You can make any situation work for you, by believing that it can, and by finding a way. Success and accomplishment are built on the belief that everything happens for a reason, and everything that happens can serve your purpose.

The events of each day are raw energy, waiting to be transformed by your focus, your direction, your belief and your commitment, into whatever you determine to make them.

— Ralph Marston

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