virgin islands scene

Argument is the worst sort of conversation.
-- Jonathan Swift


Tuesday, July 8, 1997

Strength of Will

The potential for strength lies hidden in your weaknesses. You cannot be strong and weak at the same time. So the way to strengthen the power of your will, is to conquer your weaknesses.

No matter how you define success, the path to a successful life begins with identifying the negative habits which are holding you back. At the core of most bad habits you will find the same impossible desire -- the desire to get something for nothing. The habits which hold you back, are an attempt to gain pleasure and fulfillment without paying the price. But this is an empty pursuit. Worse yet, it prevents you from moving toward true, lasting success.

See your bad habits for what they are, and then make the effort necessary to overcome them. Though the task won’t be easy, the discipline it builds will enable you to develop strong, positive habits which lead to success and fulfillment.

— Ralph Marston

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