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Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
-- Robert F. Kennedy


Thursday, June 19, 1997

Try something different

Never has it been more important, or more interesting, or more fulfilling, to be open minded and curious. The world is changing at an explosive pace. The winners in today’s world are those who can recognize and embrace new ideas and concepts, while maintaining a strong, continuing foundation of life values.

The older and more experienced you get (and we’re all headed in that same direction), the more you’re in danger of becoming closed minded. When you’ve seen it all, you begin to think like you’ve seen it all, acting out of habit and pre-conceived notions.

Experience is a wonderful teacher. Don’t let your past experience limit you, though. Experience is best used, when it is continually renewed and updated.

Make an effort to keep your mind open. Try something new today. Do something in a different way. Meet a new person. Turn down an unexplored road. Consider an opposing opinion. Read a magazine that’s completely out of your field.

There’s a whole world out there, that wasn’t even in existence yesterday. Don’t miss it!

— Ralph Marston

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