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Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well.
-- Jack London


Monday, June 9, 1997

Live at your highest level

Life is a matter of choice. Regardless of your circumstances on any particular day, you can choose the level at which you live. The person you are on the inside, is far more crucial to the quality of your life than all the outside factors combined.

This day is yours to create. Around every corner is an opportunity to live at your most effective level. Every situation and activity gives you a chance to let your highest self shine through.

This day is here, right now, and you are living it. So give it the very best you have. You’re going through the motions, so why not make them count? Fill every moment with excellence by deciding to do so. Give the most you have, and you’ll get back the most.

You deserve to have a wonderful life that is full of accomplishment and meaning. Choose to make it so by living today at your best.

— Ralph Marston

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