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Love is a choice you make from moment to moment.
-- Barbara De Angelis


Tuesday, June 3, 1997

Over the wall

Endurance athletes refer to it as “the wall.” It’s that agonizing period, fairly early in the race, when the body just doesn’t want to keep going. Experienced competitors know that once they get through “the wall", things get much easier and they can just keep going and going. In fact, the next milestone is referred to as “runner’s high” -- an absolute euphoria that lies on the other side of “the wall."

The same profile usually occurs in any effort, whether in business, relationships, or other kinds of projects. It’s easy to get started on something. You have plenty of excitement and adrenaline. Once you’re up and running, you begin to approach the wall. That’s where the vast majority of people give up. That’s where you are met head on by the difficult challenges. It is what separates winners from all the rest. It is NOT the time to give up.

Muster all your strength and your will, and make yourself get through the wall. Meet the difficult challenges early on, and keep forging ahead. You’ll soon be over the wall. Then the going will get smooth, and your progress will be swift, even to the point of euphoria.

It sure beats, quitting, and having to start all over again.

— Ralph Marston

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