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The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.
-- Stanley Milgram


Saturday, May 31, 1997

Thought and action

Everything you have ever accomplished, began as a thought. Everything anyone has ever achieved, from cleaning the dishes to landing men on the moon, started as a thought. Thoughts are very powerful.

However, thoughts alone are not enough. You can think and think and think, all day long, every day, for months and months, about getting a new red sports car. You can visualize it with complete clarity and belief. Yet it will never just magically appear in your driveway until you take the actions necessary to make your thoughts a reality.

To be effective, thoughts must be translated into action. Action by itself is not enough. Thought by itself is not enough. The combination, action driven by thought, is what makes accomplishment happen.

Think and do. Think and do. That is the way to success.

— Ralph Marston

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