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You must do the things you think you cannot do.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt


Monday, May 5, 1997


It is natural to fear the unknown. For thousands of years, a healthy fear of the unknown has kept people alert enough to survive. Yet the fear must not keep us from marching ahead. We must have the courage to live and grow.

Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather, courage is the ability to act in the face of fear. Fear helps us by making us alert to danger. And with courage we use that heightened state of energy to meet our greatest challenges.

There is risk in everything we do. And often, there is even greater risk in doing nothing. Fear rightly keeps us from acting foolishly on some occasions. Other times, we must feel the fear, and do it anyway. We must have the courage and the confidence to turn a risk into an opportunity.

Your greatest achievements are waiting, just on the other side of your greatest fears.

— Ralph Marston

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