Monday, April 28, 1997
One step at a time
Few people are able to take giant steps -- to become an overnight phenomenon. It happens, but it is rare. Yet everyone is able to take little steps, one after another, again and again.
It is in the little steps, repeated over and over again, that great things are accomplished.
Look at your own life and you’ll see many challenges. Some may seem almost impossible to overcome. Yet, as soon as you start working on them, they begin to grow smaller. With each passing day, step by step, you begin to gain on them.
And eventually, not only has the original challenge been conquered -- something even more important has happened. You have grown. You have learned. You have achieved. You have experienced. And by your own hand you have made your dreams a reality.
However great the obstacle, however ambitious the goal, there is something you can do about it today. And tomorrow, and the next day. Stop wishing for a big step, and start taking the little ones.
Ralph Marston

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