virgin islands scene

If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.
-- Buddha


Friday, April 25, 1997

Watch yourself think

I recently heard an estimate that the average person has about 60,000 thoughts in the course of a normal day. That’s about one thought every waking second. And for most people, about 95% of those thoughts are the same thoughts they had yesterday.

Of those 60,000 thoughts you’re having today, how many will be negative, self-limiting thoughts, and how many will be positive, challenging, uplifting thoughts?

Maybe you should keep an eye on your thoughts. Try this -- for the next hour, pay attention to the thoughts you have, and take note of how many negative ones there are, compared to the positive. Every day, you have thousands of opportunities to change the direction of your life, simply by changing the direction of your thoughts.

Are you thinking the same tired, old limiting thoughts you’ve thought every day for years, or are you constantly challenging yourself with new, positively focused thinking?

Watch yourself think, and you’ll discover untold opportunities for growth.

— Ralph Marston

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