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If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.
-- William Arthur Ward


Saturday, April 19, 1997

Beyond Belief

When you believe something is possible, then you will try to do it.

When you know something is possible, it will happen.

How do you reach a state beyond merely believing, a state of knowing? By taking action. The ultimate confidence comes from doing, over and over again. There’s no shortcut. No mental or technological trick. Just dig right in and get your hands dirty. Soon enough, you won’t just believe, you’ll know.

You may believe you can run a marathon. Yet only when you get up every morning at 5 am and work out, day after day after day, do you KNOW you can run the marathon.

As the expression goes, seeing is believing. By the same token, doing is knowing. It is great to believe in possibilities. You can speculate on, and imagine, all sorts of wonderful things. And action is what will make reality out of all those possibilities.

Jump in and take action. You will then know what you’re capable of accomplishing. And, knowing it with complete certainly, you’ll make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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