Tuesday, April 15, 1997
The Best of Times
We live in a time of unprecedented opportunity. Free markets, increased political freedom, information technology, efficient transportation and distribution, innovations in the areas of management and human potential, and many other exciting, positive factors are at work in the world today.
Yes there is turmoil, because things are changing so rapidly. And with that chaos, comes opportunity. When things are no longer the way they’ve always been, there’s a chance to make them better.
Never has there been a better time to be the person you are. Never has there been a better time to express your own unique perspective. Never has there been a better time to take advantage of innovation, and to create innovation.
Make the most of it -- today, tomorrow, this month, this year. See the unlimited possibilities around you, and make the effort to turn them into incredible accomplishments. Each day is a golden opportunity that is filled with countless seeds of greatness. Abundance is all around you -- make yourself a part of it.
Ralph Marston

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