virgin islands scene

To fill the hour -- that is happiness.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Saturday, April 5, 1997

Make it happen

Nothing gets done by accident. Great achievements do not fall out of the sky and land in one’s backyard. They take time, focus and commitment. You must know where you’re going and precisely what you want to do. And then you must do it with peristence and commitment.

If it’s going to happen for you, you must make it happen. Opportunity is everywhere, yet it is not something for which you sit and wait. Opportunity benefits those who act on it -- it is useless to those who wait for it.

Look around you. All the successful businesses, all the loving relationships, all the scientific breakthroughs, all the beautiful works of art, engineering feats and other accomplishments you see, are the result of commitment. Someone made them happen through focused, disciplined action.

You can have anything if you’ll use your time and your commitment to make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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