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A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.
-- George Santayana


Thursday, March 13, 1997

Just suppose

Why do you feel so joyful today? What makes you so effective and successful in the things you do? How do you know exactly the right thing to do? What is it that keeps you so positively focused?

How do you feel after reading the above questions? Pretty great, huh? These questions are phrased as presuppositions. In order to make sense of them, you must first assume that they are true. “Why do you feel so joyful today?” There’s no way to even think that thought without believing that you are joyful today.

Unfortunately, most of us think in negative suppositions. “Why can I never make ends meet?” “What makes me fail every time?” These work the same way. When we ask these questions, we are forced to believe the negative assumptions.

Take a look at the questions you ask yourself. They determine your focus. They determine your beliefs about yourself. Just imagine what could happen if you started asking yourself things such as: “What can I learn from this?” “How can I make the most of this situation?” “What is right about my life?"

Focus on the positive by assuming the best and you’ll see opportunity everywhere you look.

— Ralph Marston

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