virgin islands scene

There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.
-- Richard Avedon


Tuesday, March 4, 1997


Are you frustrated? Great! Frustration will give you energy to change your life for the better. Achievement comes from people who are frustrated, not from those who are content.

Many people must first “hit bottom” before they have enough desire and motivation to change their lives. The more dissatisfied you are, the more energy you have to make things better.

Frustration is your way of telling yourself that you want things to change. Use the energy of your frustration to get excited. Take action. Don’t let it get you down. Change it into a positive influence. Do something about it.

You’re frustrated because you know things can be better, and you’re ready to make them better. That’s a signal that its time to take action. Feel your frustration, and get busy doing something about it.

— Ralph Marston

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