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Diligence is the mother of good luck.
-- Benjamin Franklin


Thursday, January 30, 1997

See where you’re going

Success in life comes from consistently working toward your goals. This means staying on track on the “bad” days as well as the “good” days.

You’ve got to see each event in your life, not as an isolated activity, but rather as another link in the chain that leads to your ultimate goal. This will put each day in perspective for you. Things don’t always go well, there are setbacks and frustrations along the way. And the key phrase is “along the way."

Realize that each day, no matter what happens, you are that much closer to your goal. Each sale made, each report written, each lesson learned is not just an isolated event -- it is another step in the direction that you have chosen for yourself.

Make a habit of looking all the way to the end of the chain. Look at how much closer you’ve gotten today. Look at what is coming up tomorrow. Look at the next steps for which you must begin preparation. Look all the way and see yourself getting closer.

And... enjoy the journey. You’re in control of your life, you have purpose and direction. Realize that wherever you are along the path, fulfillment is already yours.

— Ralph Marston

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