virgin islands scene

Even a small star shines in the darkness.
-- Finnish proverb


Saturday, January 25, 1997

Go the distance

True success at almost anything takes long, sustained effort. How do you discipline yourself to go the distance? How do you keep on track, day after day, month after month?

You do it by taking satisfaction and enjoyment from the journey. By experiencing each moment fully, and knowing that you are living with purpose, moving in the direction of your goals.

You don’t tell yourself things like, “only two more years of this agony and I’ll be able to retire.” That attitude won’t sustain you. Yes, you must see the prize at the end. You must also see yourself moving toward it all the time, and you can’t do that if you’re miserable in the moment.

From the moment you set your sights on a goal, and make the commitment to pursue it, and start to take action, you begin to reap its rewards. The actual attainment is only the final reward -- there are many more along the way.

Don’t postpone your happiness and fulfillment. Take satisfaction in the pursuit of your goals, and you’ll go the distance.

— Ralph Marston

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