virgin islands scene

Dare to be wrong and to dream.
-- Friedrich von Schiller


Thursday, January 23, 1997

Ten Ways To Make It A Great Day

Do something for someone else, something unexpected, out of a sincere desire to help, with no expectation of anything in return.

Tackle a challenge that has been hanging over your head for a long time.

Try something new -- a new food, a new route home, a new book, a new store.

Enjoy a few moments of quiet solitude. Think about the things in your life that are most important to you.

Call or visit a friend, just to say hello.

Learn something new, perhaps related to your job, perhaps not.

Smile for no reason at all, as often as you remember.

Say hello to a stranger.

Do something for the future, that won’t “pay off” until several weeks, or months, or years from now.

When problems arise, smile and say “that’s great, because...” Then find a way to finish the sentence.

— Ralph Marston

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