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The discipline of the written word punishes both stupidity and dishonesty.
-- John Steinbeck


Monday, January 20, 1997

Time is what we make it

We must come to see that human progress never rolls in on
wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tireless efforts
and persistent work of men willing to be co-workers with God,
and without this hard work time itself becomes an ally of the
forces of social stagnation.

                    -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Time does not cure all ills, time does not make things better. It is only through living, and striving, and struggling against the challenges, that things are made better.

Time is not our servant. Neither is it our oppressor. Time is our workplace, and our raw material. We can fashion it in any way we choose, through focus and effort.

And time comes to us in doses of now. Now is the only time we have, to do what we must do. If we wait until the “right” time, it never comes. Things will only be “right” when we act to make them so. Now is the only time we have, and now is when we must act.

We must expect the best -- of ourselves, and of others. And then we must work to make it so.

— Ralph Marston

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