virgin islands scene

Make the iron hot by striking it.
-- Oliver Cromwell


Friday, January 10, 1997

No fear

Whatever happens, happens. Some things are under your control, many other things are not. Some things you can influence by making intelligent choices, other things you must simply deal with.

Make the right choices, and then deal with the rest. Whatever happens, make the best of it. You can control your own actions, and that is where you live your life and concern yourself. Be prepared, do what you can, and then have the confidence to know that you can handle anything else that comes along. Worrying about bad things happening, will only move you in the direction of those things.

Do your best. Free yourself from worry. You’ll be able to make the best of everything that comes along. Sometimes life’s most valuable lessons are learned in times of adversity. Often, our greatest growth and personal development occurs when we’re the most severely challenged. Every circumstance is an opportunity, when you meet it with confidence and purpose.

Everything in life carries risk. Don’t take foolish chances, but don’t live in fear either. Avoiding risk by doing nothing is the biggest risk of all.

Have no fear. Do what you know needs to be done.

— Ralph Marston

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