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A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops.
-- Henry B. Adams


Thursday, December 26, 1996

Stick With It

Be like a postage stamp --
stick to one thing until
you get there.
                -- Margaret Carty

I wonder how many people give up on their dream when they are just a week or two away from the big breakthrough that would bring it about?

One of the most challenging aspects of attaining success is to maintain a sense of urgency about your work, while at the same being patient enough to stick with it for as long as necessary.

It takes belief, faith and confidence.

Belief in what you are doing. Faith that the value you are creating will eventually come back to you, multiplied many times over. Confidence that comes from knowing that you are putting forth your very best effort.

If you work on something long enough, sincerely giving your best effort every day, constantly looking for ways to improve your performance and the value that you bring to the work, and it will succeed.

The most worthwhile accomplishments take time. That doesn’t mean you can sit back and wait for them. Because they also require aggressive pursuit on a daily basis. Know where you’re going, do your best work, give it everything you possibly can, provide as much value to as many people as possible, every opportunity you get, and then know with confidence that your efforts will be richly rewarded.

— Ralph Marston

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