Saturday, December 7, 1996
When you give your kindness to someone, it’s not gone -- it’s invested. We all need each other. No one can be successful by himself or herself. Sincere kindness builds relationships that enrich your life. Kindness and success go hand in hand.
We’ve all heard about the tough, no-nonsense business person who is highly successful in spite of their blatant disregard for everyone. Yes, that happens, but it is a rare exception. And though that person may have a degree of success in business, there’s much more to life than that.
Trying to succeed in life without kindness is like running a race with your feet tied together. It can be done, but it puts you at a major disadvantage right from the start, and who would want to do it anyway?
Kindness doesn’t mean that you should let people take advantage of you. Kindness doesn’t mean that you should be indulgent or permissive. In fact, many times the kindest thing you can do is to be firm with someone, out of concern for their well being. As in “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.” Kindness is strength and confidence.
The kindness and respect you give will come back to you, greatly multiplied. The best thing you can do for yourself, is to show true, sincere kindness toward others.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©1996 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.