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Courage without conscience is a wild beast.
-- Robert G. Ingersoll


Tuesday, November 26, 1996

You make it special

Think of the moments in your life that have been truly special. Not the times that are built up to be grand and exalted, but rather those experiences which you will carry with you forever.

What was it that made them special? It was whatever you put into them. It was your effort, your commitment, your sacrifice, the part of yourself that you gave to the moment.

The moments of life are as special as you make them. It is what you give that makes your life meaningful. The more you give, the more you are. Your life is defined by the contributions you make, not by the car you drive or the parties you attend.

Great art only happens when the artist puts himself into the work. Great literature comes only when the writer puts herself into the story. A life of excellence requires that you put yourself into the effort.

— Ralph Marston

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