virgin islands scene

Just do what you do best.
-- Red Auerbach


Friday, November 15, 1996

Travel Lightly

OK. You’re all ready to get started on the road to success. It is a bright new day and the road is waiting. You go out into the driveway, get in your car, and then the realization hits you -- you’ve forgotten to pack. So you open up the trunk, and start piling stuff in.

A few boxes full of guilt, a bag full of resentment, a couple of suitcases full of anger, and the trunk is full. There’s no room for the three boxes full of worry, so you throw them in the back seat. There’s barely room for all the envy, but you manage to fit it in. Now, where can you put all that regret? In the glove compartment? You go back in the house to make sure there’s nothing you’ve missed, and discover a big box full of “should haves". Now where in the world is that going to go? There’s just no way to fit it in.

By now it’s getting late. Too late to get very far today. Maybe you need a bigger car, or a trailer. Well, there’s always tomorrow...

— Ralph Marston

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