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Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above them.
-- Washington Irving


Saturday, November 9, 1996


Can you imagine what it would be like to live your life with passion?

With passion, you cannot be stopped. No obstacle is too great to overcome. You don’t listen to the “experts” who say it cannot be done. You get it done. You don’t just think, you don’t just believe, you know.

With passion, you see the big picture. Anyone who tells you that something is impossible, only motivates you that much more. You do whatever it takes, whenever you need to, for however long it must be done. You are completely focused and driven, and nothing can discourage or distract you.

What is your passion? What gives you the energy to create, the will to persevere, the strength to grow? You have a passion. There is something that drives you, something that makes you care, something that you cannot deny. Find your passion, and tap into its powerful energy.

— Ralph Marston

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