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A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward.
-- Jean Paul Richter


Friday, October 18, 1996

Do the right thing

For what will a man be profited,
if he gains the whole world,
and forfeits his soul?

               -- Matthew 16:26

The quality of your life is ultimately determined by the integrity of your actions.

It may seem that doing what is right would sometimes call for a sacrifice on your part, would sometimes demand that you act against your own interest. Indeed, there are sacrifices to be made. However, you never sacrifice your own interest, when you do what is right. It is always the better choice for you, to do the right thing.

It is always in your best interest to live a life of integrity.

There are no shortcuts in life. You receive value, by being a valuable person. The abundance you enjoy is the abundance you create. It is a law that needs no enforcement, because it cannot be broken. When you take advantage of others, you cheat yourself of the opportunity to provide real value, the opportunity to make a difference. What gain could possibly equal that loss?

What is truly important to you? The pleasure, the comfort, the expediency of the moment, or the meaning and value in your life? A life of quality is possible only with integrity, only when you remain constantly true to your highest ideals.


— Ralph Marston

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