virgin islands scene

What you are stands over you the while, and thunders, so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Saturday, September 28, 1996

Get started

You’ve been planning the journey for a long time. It will take you to a place where you have always dreamed of going. You have committed yourself to getting there, and can already visualize reaching your destination. You have prepared yourself well for the journey ahead, gathering the resources and developing the skills that you’ll need along the way. Now, there’s just one thing left to do.

Get started. And then keep going.

Put one foot in front of the other. Then do it again, and again until you get to where you are going. Take action, do what needs to be done. Do it consistently and repeatedly. Do it for as long as it takes.

The planning, the preparation, the commitment, and the right attitude are absolutely essential. And so is the action. The courage and discipline to act on your dreams, will make them a reality. There is no other way.

Will it be uncomfortable? Yes. Comfort accomplishes nothing. Will it be difficult? Absolutely. Anything worthwhile requires real effort.

There is nothing that can equal the satisfaction of accomplishment. Of using your mind and your hands, and your sheer will, to create something that has never existed before. It will happen when you act on your dreams, step by step, day by day, again and again until the job is done.

— Ralph Marston

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