virgin islands scene

You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.
-- Mahatma Gandhi


Monday, September 23, 1996


Elephants have been trained and used by humans as work animals for as long as 4,000 years. How is it possible for a 175 pound man to keep an 11,000 pound elephant in captivity?

When an elephant is very young, it is tethered to a four foot long wooden stake driven into the ground. This stake is physically able to hold the young, small elephant, despite the elephant’s repeated attempts to escape it. After unsuccessfully trying many times to escape, the young elephant eventually comes to believe that escape is impossible. This belief is carried into adulthood. When the elephant is full grown, it could easily break free from the four-foot wooden stake, yet it never even attempts to do so. This intelligent, powerful creature is held captive, not by any physical restraint, but by its own thoughts.

Does it make you wonder what thoughts of your own might be holding you back? Are you tethered to circumstances from which you could easily break free, if only you knew you could?

Your thoughts can be your prison, or they can set you free to soar. If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, you’re absolutely right. In order to do anything, or become anything, or have anything, you must first believe that it is possible. It must exist in your mind before it can come to pass.

Expectations become reality, so expect the best of yourself.

— Ralph Marston

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