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The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
-- William James


Thursday, September 12, 1996

Look For Challenge

"I really want to do that, but it’s just too much trouble."

Have you ever said something like this to yourself or to someone else?

Well, which is it? Do you really want to do it, or don’t you. If you really want it, it doesn’t matter that it will take a lot of effort to achieve. Life is made of effort. You’re going to spend your effort doing something. What are your priorities? Wouldn’t it be better to spend your effort in pursuit of something you want?

Have confidence in yourself. You are up to the challenge of anything you decide you truly want to be, or have, or do. Sure it’s challenging -- anything worthwhile is. Yet the challenges you accept will give you the tools you need to overcome them. And in the process, you’ll grow, and build, and create.

Challenge will teach you new skills. It will motivate you to get the best possible performance from yourself.

Have you ever noticed that, on days when you have a lot of work to do, you get a lot done? And on days when you don’t have much you have to do, you don’t get much done. Just as your effort increases to meet the job that must be done, so too do you grow enough to meet the challenges that come our way. To become the person you want to be, you simply find the challenges that will take you there.

Any worthwhile achievement is largely a matter of meeting one challenge after another. Seek out challenges -- they are the stuff that life is made of.

— Ralph Marston

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