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The best way out is always through.
-- Robert Frost


Friday, August 23, 1996

Venturing out of the comfort zone

Everyone has a talent.
What is rare is the courage
to follow the talent to the
dark place where it leads.
                -- Erica Jong

One of the biggest enemies of accomplishment is comfort. Most people are so attached to being comfortable, that they’re just not willing to do what it takes to succeed. Meeting people, learning new skills, presenting your ideas, taking risks, working hard -- these are all very uncomfortable, and all very necessary for success.

You must decide whether you want a life of comfort or a life of accomplishment. You can have anything, do anything, and be anything you want, if you’ll just step outside your comfort zone and take the actions that need to be taken.

Look at the things you do each day and ask yourself why you’re doing them. Is it because they’re familiar, and comfortable, and secure? Are you anxious about venturing outside of your cozy comfort zone? Are there things you avoid doing because they might cause you some discomfort?

Accomplishment requires that you step outside of your comfort zone. The good news is that when you venture beyond the borders, your comfort zone expands. Success in one area of your life will give you more confidence in everything you do.

Don’t let yourself get too comfortable. A short time of discomfort is far better than a lifetime of regret.

— Ralph Marston

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