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The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.
-- Ralph W. Sockman


Tuesday, August 20, 1996

Attract success like a magnet

Success isn’t something that you just go out and get. If you chase it, it will elude you. Instead, you attract success to you by the person you become.

If you want to attract powerful people, you must become powerful. If you want to attract creative people, you must become creative. No one will be attracted to you just because you want something. But when you yourself become impressive, then impressive people will rally around you and be only too willing for you to stand on their shoulders.

The world is full of dreamers who talk big and have impressive plans. No one cares about your dreams, though, unless you back them up with action, discipline and commitment. Actions speak infinitely louder than words.

The greatest thing you can ever offer anyone is the person you’ve become. If you want the world to give you value and wealth, then you must become a valuable person. Your most valuable asset is your own personal development. Make yourself competent, attractive, committed, disciplined, skilled.

Become the person you need to be in order to have the life you want. Invest in your future by investing in yourself.

— Ralph Marston

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