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Dreams are the touchstones of our character.
-- Henry David Thoreau


Thursday, August 15, 1996

To be a winner you must think like a winner

"If you believe you can do a thing,
or you believe you can not,
you’re probably right."
-- Henry Ford

Did you know that your mind “thinks” about 60,000 thoughts every day? Just by the sheer volume of them, your thoughts have a huge impact on your life.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. Everything you do begins in your mind. Success is an inside job. You can choose to think empowering thoughts or you can settle for limiting thoughts. You can think the same old thoughts over and over again, or you can expose yourself to new experiences, concepts and possibilities. It’s completely up to you and the way you choose to think.

Look for the opportunities in every situation. Constantly think to yourself, “I can do it.” Use those 60,000 thoughts to program yourself for success. When you believe in what you’re doing, and believe that you can do it, you’ll find a way to make it happen.

The things that regularly occupy your thinking, have the power to drive your life. Your mind is too powerful to ignore. Take control of your thoughts and you will have control of your destiny.

— Ralph Marston

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