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Things don't happen to you. They happen for you.
-- Tony Robbins


Tuesday, August 13, 1996

Creativity is a balancing act

As the pace of life becomes faster, as markets become more segmented, as tools become more sophisticated, and as individuals become more interconnected, the need for creativity is greater than ever before.

Creativity has two distinct processes, and each one is vital.

First is the process of integration and synthesis of a new idea. Everything new that is created -- great buildings, works of art, businesses, complex machines, books, films -- must first exist in the mind. New ideas come largely from the integration of existing concepts -- combining and intermingling them in ways that have never before been expressed. This part of the creative process requires exposure to a diverse set of experiences and a broad spectrum of thinking.

Just as vital to creativity is the action necessary to bring ideas to reality. The creation of great architecture demands engineering and construction skills. The creation of great literature demands grammatical skills, and the ability to operate a printing press. Discipline and focus are necessary to manifest any creation.

It’s a bit of a paradox. In order to be fully creative, we must be very open-minded, while at the same time remaining disciplined and focused. A delicate balance, indeed. And balance is the key. In all great creations the idealistic coexists with the pragmatic in an elegant proportion. A great idea is worthless unless it is manifest. And a great skill is useless unless it has direction.

Think balance. Learn to be a dreamer while also being a doer. Harness the power of your thoughts and the power of your actions together in the same direction, and your life will be a truly creative force.

— Ralph Marston

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