Wednesday, July 31, 1996
Feeling Good
Look at all the pain and heartache that happens in the pursuit of “feeling good.” Drug and alcohol abuse, obesity, infidelity, AIDS -- all are rooted to a significant degree by the desire to “feel” good. It’s a high price to pay, especially when you realize that (a) When abused, things like food, drugs and sex don’t really feel all that good anyway, and (b) nothing outside yourself is really necessary in order to feel good.
You can feel good simply by deciding that you do! You’re in complete control of your feelings. You can decide how to react to various situations.
You don’t need that cigarette or that package of cookies. You only think you need them because of how you’ve been conditioned. But you are more powerful than your conditioning or your habits. Your life and your feelings are under your command.
When a problem comes up, instead of reaching for a six-pack to “drown your sorrows” and make you “feel good", try a little re-framing. Look at the problematic situation as an opportunity, and be thankful for the chance to learn and grow. Then feel good about your ability to meet challenges head on.
The best way to feel good is simply to allow yourself to do it.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©1996 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.