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You don't know what you can get away with until you try.
-- General Colin Powell


Thursday, July 18, 1996

Focus on your gifts

You owe it to life to do what you love. Whatever you enjoy doing, that is a gift you’ve been given. It is your own unique contribution to the world. It will take you anywhere you want to go if you will take the time and effort to develop it.

When you develop your own unique talents, you gain confidence, and a larger vision of yourself. That will have a positive influence on every part of your life.

Decide to master something that you love. Put forth a sustained, consistent effort. Do something every day to develop your skills and knowledge in that area.

It’s almost impossible to be successful at something that you dislike. Success requires inspiration and dedication, commitment and hard work. Can you be totally committed to something you hate to do? Probably not.

Whatever you enjoy doing, there’s a reason for it. Your enjoyment is life’s way of motivating you to excel in an area where you have a skill and a desire to make a difference. Put that motivation to work for you.

— Ralph Marston

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