virgin islands scene

To create is to live twice.
-- Albert Camus


Monday, July 8, 1996

I feel great today!

Try this little experiment. Wherever you’re sitting, lower your head and look down. Let your shoulders droop. Say to yourself quietly “I’m really depressed. I feel awful.” How do you feel?

Now try this. Sit up straight, or stand up if you want. Look up toward the sky. Put a big smile on your face and say out loud with excitement “I feel GREAT today! I am alive with excitement and enthusiasm.” Now how do your feel?

Do you notice a big difference? It’s all due to your physiology. By changing your posture and your voice, you have changed your attitude.

Is it realistic to say “I feel great today” when life is full of problems?

Well, you have a choice. You can choose to be depressed and despondent about your problems. You’ll probably get some sympathy, but it’s difficult to make your house payment with sympathy (unless you stand on the street corner with a “Will work for food” sign). Or you can choose to attack them head-on with a positive attitude. Now a positive attitude won’t change your situation. But if you hold your head high and look toward the stars, you’ll see a lot more opportunities than if you’re looking down and depressed. You’ll have more energy and more success with other people.

You’re in complete control of the way you act and the way you feel. Use that to your advantage every moment.

— Ralph Marston

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Copyright ©1996 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.