virgin islands scene

The real secret to success is enthusiasm.
-- Walter Chrysler


Monday, July 1, 1996

Risk and Fear

There are risks and costs to a program
of action, but they are far less than
the long-range risks and costs of
comfortable inaction.
- John F. Kennedy

It’s interesting that many people who would never think of taking any risk in the pursuit of their dreams, risk their lives on a daily basis by driving too fast, not wearing seatbelts, drinking too much, eating fattening food, or smoking cigarettes. If you’re going to take risks, you might as well make them count. And if you’re alive, you’re taking some kind of risk.

Risks are absolutely necessary. Unless you’re willing to take risks, and to fail miserably, and pick yourself back up to try again, success won’t come to you. We must learn to take the necessary, calculated risks and avoid the foolish risks.

Driving drunk to the lake, without a seatbelt on, and speeding -- that’s a foolish risk. Occasionally speeding to the airport to make a plane, or to an apppointment because you’ve been delayed by other urgent business -- those are calculated risks. There are times when you must take calculated risks.

If you have not yet reached your dream, then it’s because there is some risky activity in the way. Something that you fear sits between you and your dream. The best way around your fear of anything is to confront it head on. It’s simple, but very difficult. And absolutely necessary. When you do the thing you fear, your fear begins to fade, and soon it has no place in your life.

— Ralph Marston

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Copyright ©1996 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.