virgin islands scene

The intoxication of anger, like that of the grape, shows us to others, but hides us from ourselves.
-- John Dryden


Wednesday, June 26, 1996

It is darkest just before dawn

I wonder how many people give up just when success is almost within reach. They persevere day after day, and just when they’re about to make it, decide they can’t take any more.

The difference between enormously successful people and miserable failures is not that much. Successful people have simply learned the value of staying in the game until it is won. Those who never make it are the ones who quit too soon.

Commitment means doing whatever it takes. Whatever it takes -- not whatever is most comfortable. When things are darkest, and the storm clouds are gathering around, successful people stick with it because they know they’re almost there.

The mountain is steepest at the summit, but that’s no reason to turn back. You’ve made it this far. Keep going a little longer and you’ll see the sun rise on a beautiful new day.

— Ralph Marston

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