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Be nice to people on your way up because you'll need them on your way down.
-- Wilson Milzner


Tuesday, June 18, 1996

Think about it

Whatever you dwell upon, grows. The more emotionally and intensely you think about it and concentrate on it, the more it grows and expands. What do you think about?

Do you constantly think about your problems? Then they will increase. Instead, dwell upon your goals. You can only hold one thought in your mind at a time. So get in the habit of substituting positive thoughts for negative ones.

That is why goals are so important. They give you something positive to focus on. When you continually think about your goals, there’s simply no room left for negative thoughts.

You subconscious mind is a powerful resource that can work for you or against you. The subconscious mind makes no judgments -- it simply carries out the orders sent to it by the concious mind. When you focus on the positive things that you want to achieve, when you repeatedly visualize them in detail, you are sending commands to your subconcious mind. Once you’ve given it a clear direction, your subconcious will find a way to bring your goals into reality.

Constantly think positive thoughts.

— Ralph Marston

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