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Just as iron rusts from disuse, even so does inaction spoil the intellect.
-- Leonardo da Vinci


Thursday, June 6, 1996

Welcome the obstacles

True, meaningful commitment to anything is not something that happens just once. It happens over and over again. You will constantly be called upon to choose one action over another, and each time you do so, you will be renewing your commitment.

When you are fully committed to achieving your dream, many opportunities will come, as if by magic. And so will obstacles. The opportunities are great. And the obstacles are just as important. They will help you to become the person you need to be, to achieve your dream. You must grow. You must get out of your comfort zone. The obstacles and challenges give you a way to do that.

Learn to appreciate the obstacles for what they are -- opportunity in disguise. They will teach you, prepare you and help you to grow.


— Ralph Marston

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