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You'll never find a better sparring partner than adversity.
-- Walt Schmidt


Monday, May 27, 1996

You’ll find what you look for

It seems so obvious as to almost go without saying: When you look for something you will find it.

How many red Nissan pickup trucks did you see on the road yesterday? You probably don’t remember seeing any. Today, try looking for red Nissan pickups, and you’ll see plenty of them.

When you seek something, you see everything that happens to you from a new perspective. You easily find opportunities that would not otherwise be apparent to you.

One of the best known Bible passages (from the book of Matthew, chapter 7) sums up the utter power and simplicity of this concept: “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened to you. For every one who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks it shall be opened."

This is completely reasonable and makes perfect sense. If you want something, you must seek it. Not whine and complain about the lack of it, now wish for it, but seek it.

The very act of seeking something starts the process that brings that something into being for you. In fact, once you are truly committed to seeking something, then from that moment on, you have it. The fact that it is not yet completely manifest in front of you doesn’t really matter that much, because you are living as if you already have it. So in that sense, you do already have it. And if you continue in your commitment, you will in fact have it soon.

— Ralph Marston

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