Wednesday, May 8, 1996
Put your problem-solving computer to work
Are you facing a perplexing problem, or is there some goal that seems completely out of reach? You have within you the solution to the problem, or the plan of action for reaching your goal. Here’s how to access it:
Start by completely defining the situation as you now know it. Write down all aspects of it in detail. If it’s a problem, list all the possible solutions you’ve considered, and why each one isn’t ideal. Then make a list of why you need to solve this problem, and what would improve in your life if you did. If it’s a goal, write down every detail of what you want. For example, if your goal is to start your own business, describe the business, being as specific as possible about the product or service you will offer, how many employees you need, what kind of facilities, equipment and financing will be necessary. Next, make a specific list of all the obstacles standing in your way. Finally, write down why you want to start this business.
Then, after you have thoroughly analyzed your situation, put everything away and forget about it. Hand the job over to your subconscious mind with the full confidence that you will receive an answer. Do something fun, relaxing and stimulating. Take your mind off your situation.
Then be ready for an answer. It will come within a day or two. You will get one and you need to be open to it. Don’t discard any crazy thoughts. Rather, explore everything that comes to mind. Your answer may very well come in a most unexpected form.
This really works. Your mind has an amazing ability to integrate information and provide useful, meaningful solutions if you will just let it. Sometimes we get so caught up in worrying and analyzing that there’s no energy left for true thinking. Give your mind the opportunity to think every once in a while, and you’ll be amazed at the results.
Ralph Marston

Copyright ©1996 Ralph S. Marston, Jr. All Rights Reserved. The Daily Motivator is provided for your personal, non-commercial use only. Other than personal sharing, please do not re-distribute without permission.