Tuesday, April 30, 1996
Planting Seeds
Farmers can cause an abundance of food to literally spring out of the ground. First, however, they must plant the seeds.
Our society has become accustomed to instant gratification. Television brings us instant entertainment, delivery services move our stuff overnight, the Internet gives us instant mail, the telephone gives us instant conferences, pagers let us find people instantly, microwave ovens and fast food restaurants provide instant food. The list goes on and on.
The quickening pace of life increasingly hides one important truth: that some of the best things in life take time. Things like relationships, experience, education, skills and wealth. When you expect to get these things overnight, you end up spinning your wheels.
You must learn to plant seeds, and then nurture them while they take root and grow. How do you know what seeds to plant? That’s where your long-term goals come in to play. If you know where you want to be a couple of years from now, it’s important to start laying the groundwork today.
Live your life today, enjoying all the excitement of this fast-paced world. And remember to plan for tomorrow, planting seeds along the way.
Ralph Marston

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