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Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese.
-- Billie Burke


Tuesday, April 16, 1996

Creative play

Knowledge and technology are advancing at such a rapid pace that we must always be learning new things. That means every day. It’s a challenge, and a necessity. If you’re not using the latest tools and techniques, your competition is, and you’re falling behind.

But how can you keep up in such a fast-changing world?

Most books on new technology are out of date by the time they are printed. It’s difficult to learn from anyone else. The answer is to just try things. And the best way to do that is, be curious and have fun. Spend time playing. Playing creatively.

Look at small children and how they learn so much so fast. Their prime motivation is to have fun and to satisfy their endless curiosity. And the result is an astonishing amount of learning in a short period of time.

Take a look at that new software upgrade you just installed -- the one that’s loaded with new features. Don’t just continue to use it the same way you used the old version. Try some of those new features, even if you don’t have a practical use for them. Once you try them and understand how they work, you’ll probably find some very useful, practical things you can do with them.

Be curious. Try things. Have fun. It’s an approach that’s recommended by respected management gurus such as Tom Peters. It’s the philosophy behind some of the most successful businesses today.

— Ralph Marston

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