Saturday, March 16, 1996
Light a candle
I am writing this by candlelight. On my desk are two sources of illumination -- a computer that is powered by one of the most complex and powerful devices ever made by man, and a candle.
A candle is the essence of simplicity. Just some wax and a string. It is easy to make, easy to use, and easy to understand. Candles give just enough light, but not too much. They are dependable and beautiful.
What is it that draws us to candlelight? We keep vigils with candles, worship with them, dine with them, put them on our birthday cakes, and keep them around as backup illumination.
Perhaps candles are so fascinating because they are a metaphor for life itself. We light them, they burn brightly for a while, then grow dim and finally burn out. They are at the same time robust and fragile. Each candle flickers in its own unique way, and when many of them are burning together the results can be magnificent.
Keep your candle burning brighly!
Ralph Marston

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